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Who are we?

Hepatitis B help, care and support (hepatitis B āwhina, tiaki me te tautoko)

The Hepatitis Foundation of New Zealand is a not-for-profit organisation that supports people living with hepatitis B. Our services are free. We also provide advocacy and support for people with hepatitis C. 

What do we do?

We operate a national monitoring programme for people living with hepatitis B to help improve health outcomes. People enrolled in this programme receive regular monitoring, education, support and referral to secondary care (if required). We work in partnership with GP clinics and other health providers to support patient management and ensure positive health outcomes for people living with hepatitis B.

This free national long-term monitoring programme was established in the early 2000s. 

We have completed many major screening, vaccination and research programmes in New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and Vietnam during our 30-year history.

We are contracted to deliver community-based fibroscan services in NZ's central region. We also offer fibroscans for immigration purposes in other regions on request and as available equipment allows.


In 1984, the newly established foundation implemented the Kawerau Seroprevalence Study, which saw 93 percent of the town's population tested for hepatitis B. The results showed the hepatitis B virus was highly endemic. Nine years later, as a result of our work, NZ was the first sovereign nation to introduce universal hepatitis B vaccination for all children.

Who is at risk?

You are at risk of contracting hepatitis B if you:

  • Are over 25 and of Māori, Pacific Island or Asian ethnicity

  • Were born outside New Zealand

  • Have a mother or close family member with hepatitis B

  • Live with someone who has hepatitis

  • Have ever had unprotected sexual contact with and HBV person

  • Have ever injected drugs

  • Have received a tattoo using unsterile equipment.

Screening tests for Hepatitis B:

  • HBsAG - Tests whether someone has ever been in contact with the virus

  • Anti-HBc - Indicates current/past infection

  • Anti-Hbs - Indicates immunity >10. If HBsAg is positive, complete LFT (liver function) and AFP (alphafetoprotein) tests.

  • HBeAG - The hepatitis B envelope antigen tests whether the virus is multiplying at a high rate.


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