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Six-monthly blood tests are important for those with hepatitis B

Regular blood tests pick up early signs of liver disease such as cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and liver cancer. Up to 70 per cent of your liver can already be damaged by the time you start to feel ill.

Most people have no symptoms, so you may not know you have it. 100,000 New Zealanders live with chronic hepatitis B and 60% remain undiagnosed. 

Left unmonitored hepatitis B can lead to liver damage and eventually can lead to liver cancer. Ongoing damage to your liver can be prevented and we can help with ongoing monitoring. 

If you know that you have hepatitis B you can book a blood test today.

Call us on 0800 33 20 10  or ask your GP for a blood test to check. It could save your life.

Could you have hepatitis B?

If you can answer ‘Yes’ to any of the below:

  • You are over 30 years of age  

  • You are of Māori, Pacific or South East Asian ethnicity 

  • Your mother or close family member has hepatitis B 

  • You live with someone who has hepatitis B 

You are more at risk of having contracted hepatitis B. 

We can check through a blood test. Let’s get you tested today, you can call 0800 33 20 10  or ask your GP for a blood test.


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